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Sunday, 13 April 2014

Living Organisms On Deadly Ground

There is a deadly effect of pollution on the climate and the living organisms. Each and every type of pollution is very harming for the environment. This is very important to know for the people that how different types of pollution has a different effects on the living beings. For example if we talk about the noise pollution it will become a very serious issue for most of the countries like Pakistan. The reason can be the traffic and the silencers and no check and balance on the laws and policies regarding traffic and one more reason can be that the communities of people are living on the main roads which are facing the direct noise which may leads to hearing problem and bad mood of people.
Even the land pollution in every form can be harming in different ways for humans, animals, water and soils. The effects are even worse if the garbage is not separated into organic, re-usable and recyclable waste, but the separation of  recyclable waste is not practiced in underdeveloped countries in a very effective way that’s why they are suffering more from land pollution problems and we can say that they are living on the deadly ground. This is very common that wastes of industries are thrown in the rivers and lakes which then leave that water into the seas, this waste of industries are very harmful for the marine life.
One of the major causes of the devastating effects on living beings and environment is air pollution which is heavily laden with dust, smoke poisonous gases and offensive odors. It affects both plants and human life directly and indirectly. It is the basic reason of acid rain which when falls over an area, it can kill tree, leaves of plants and harm animals, fish, and other wildlife.
It is very important for us to take a serious initiative for the betterment of our environment and the living beings and make our ground lively for the living organisms. So for this we need to take serious initiatives to solve these issues and work separately for each and every type of pollution and make strong policies and their implementation for the betterment of our environment to secure the earth. 

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